How To Maximize Your Minimalist Bedroom: Less IS More
April 7, 2021

How to Maximize Your Minimalist Bedroom

The concept of minimalism has taken the world by storm. Not only are people choosing to live with less stuff overall, it has also made a big impact on home décor. Long gone are the days of knick-knacks on every surface. Instead, people are focusing on small amounts of quality pieces that have a purpose and benefits their lives. However, living with less does not mean you need to feel the impact in a negative way. We are going to share with you our tops tips on how to maximize your minimalist bedroom. Fallow along to learn how.

You may also enjoy reading our post: 10 Things To Remove From Your Bedroom

how to maximize your minimalist bedroom

Remove Non-Essential Items

removing extra itemsOf course, when you are looking to create a minimalist space you are going to want to stick to the essentials first. Really think about how you use your bedroom space and what you really truly use on a regular basis. This may look different for different people. While someone may never see the use for a bedside table, others may get a lot of use out of them and need a bit of extra storage as well.

Then remove the things you do not need or use in order to maximize your space. However, hold onto them in another space for around 1 month. This gives you enough time to really see whether or not you need or want this item. If you find yourself missing it, then take a look at our next tip.

Is it time to do some spring cleaning? Get our tips on how to deep clean your bedroom in our post: Bedroom Spring Cleaning

Bring Back The Items You REALLY Miss

get a clean minimalist bedroom designAfter the month time frame goes by, if you found yourself really missing or going to use an item multiple times, then it may be worth unpacking and bringing back into your minimalist bedroom.

If you remove something out of the bedroom and you find that it is actually something that you really enjoy having in your bedroom, then perhaps it is worth bringing back in. Even if the item does not serve a purpose and just brings you joy. Minimalism is all about making the most out of your life and being intentional with the items you bring into it.

Have Multipurpose Items

use multipurpose itemsOne way for you to really get the most out of your minimalist bedroom is to have multipurpose items. Instead of having an alarm clock, get something that works for your alarm clock, bedside table, etc. While we don’t often recommend keeping your smartphones at your bedside, they are actually really great for this kind of thing.

Your smartphone can serve as your alarm clock, noise machine, there are even apps that let you control an adjustable base frame or set your lights to turn on at a certain time. All of which can help to eliminate the need for multiple items. The more uses you can get out of a single item, the less single purpose items you will need in your bedroom.

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Think Quality Over Quantity

clean modern minimalist style bedroom designOne of the major benefits of buying less, is that you can focus on buying quality over quantity. It allows you to focus in on picking a few pieces that you really love instead of a bunch of items that are cheap simply to fill up the space. Instead of buying a bunch of cheap pillows trying to find a good one, you can simply purchase a higher quality one that works well for you.

The same goes for your mattress, and other furniture in your bedroom. Some mattresses that are very low price are either uncomfortable, or they wear out faster than a quality well-made mattress would. Which means you will need to replace it sooner rather than later. Instead, you can invest in a highly quality mattress that is more comfortable and longer lasting.

Keep Work Life Out Of The Bedroom

kick out your bedroom officeMinimizing clutter in the bedroom is not always about physical items. It can also be about mental clutter. One way to keep your bedroom as untainted by mental stressors as possible, is by keeping your work life out of the bedroom. Keep the laptop and work emails outside of your bedroom. If you need to, charge your phone in another room if work calls, texts, and emails tend to disrupt you at night.

While this may require to remove your desk or work area away from your bedroom, this is more about the mental effects of working in the same space that you sleep in. Our environment helps to inform our subconscious what we should be doing. Which can get all mixed up if we are combining our relaxation space with our work space. Click the link below to learn more.

Learn more about why you should keep your work life out of the bedroom in our post: Separate Work From Your Bedroom

Minimal Yet Impactful Art/Décor

how to chose art for a minimalist style bedroomJust because you are living a minimalism lifestyle doesn’t mean it needs to look like no one lives in your home. Art can bring a lot of life into your bedroom and set the tone for your home.

Décor can truly add value and enhance your experience when in your bedroom. Just be sure to pick pieces you truly adore and mean a lot to you. There is no need to go to your local home goods store and pack your home full of signs and cheap art.

Instead pick just a couple of pieces that mean a lot to you and make your bedroom feel like the peaceful escape you dream of.

Learn more about how to pick art for your bedroom in our post: Choosing Bedroom Art

Beautiful Storage

If you have items that you simply need/want to keep in your bedroom that have the potential to clutter up your space. Then aesthetically pleasing or hidden storage is a great option to get the best of both worlds.

First try to pick out a beautiful dress or nightstands with drawers that allow you to keep those items you need close by. Then you can keep your surfaces clean and tidy without pots of hand lotion, books, tablets or other odds and ends out and visible.

Create A “Take Back” Basket

create a takeaway basketIf you are trying to keep your bedroom pristine, but you find items that belong in the rest of the house tends to collect in your bedroom. Then we have the perfect tip for you. Create a “take back” basket where you place items that you know need to be removed from the bedroom and back to where they belong.

Whether this is dishes, items that belong to others, kid’s toys, etc. Having a designated area for these items makes it easier to grab and take back to other rooms as you are planning to leave your room in order to go to that other area.

Say you are heading back to the kid rooms; you can pick up their toys from the basket as you head in that direction. This is not only a great way to maximize your minimalist bedroom. It also is great for maximizing your time while keeping your bedroom clean.

Have a hard time keeping your bedroom clean? Check out our post: Quick Tips for Keeping Your Bedroom Clean

Be More Intentional With Your Bedroom Purchases

be mindful of the purchases that you makeThe only way to stop the cycle of collecting lots of stuff and then getting rid of a lot of stuff, is to stop bringing an influx of new things. This can be one of the most difficult processes to grasp with minimalism, as there will be new items that you may genuinely need to purchase from time to time.

Which is why we recommend really being intentional with what you bring into your bedroom and home. Are you purchasing this new throw pillow because it is at a great price and you like it? Or because it will truly enhance your space and life in a meaningful way? These kinds of questions can help you determine whether or not this purchase is a good one, or if it is just an impulse buy.

One In – One Out

one in one out methodIf you become happy with the number of items in your bedroom, then you can begin to use the “one in, one out” rule for your bedroom. Essentially this rule is exactly what it sounds like. If you are considering making a purchase or bringing in a new item into your bedroom. Then first consider what item it will be replacing, or what you will be removing in its place.

This helps to keep you from thoughtlessly reaccumulating an abundance of items. It can also be another great test as to whether or not you really need or want to bring that item into your bedroom or not.

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Maximize Your Minimalist Bedroom – The Takeaway:

When it comes to maximizing your minimalist bedroom, we hope these tips and tricks help you to make living a minimalist lifestyle more manageable. You can have a clean, tidy, minimalist home without it feeling like you are missing out on all the joys in life and of course, great sleep. In fact some of these tips, like keeping work out of the bedroom can actually increase your sleep life! Overall, keep in mind that you should make minimalism work best for you and your life, not the other way around.

how to maximize your minimalist style bedroom

Want to know more about living in a Minimalist Space? Feel free to Contact Us with any questions you may have. We will get back to you as soon as we can.