Tips & How To Get Your Master Bedroom Baby Ready
June 2, 2020

How To Get Your Master Bedroom Baby Ready

Decorating a nursery before the baby comes is a common ritual for many soon to be parents. However, it is becoming more and more common to get your master bedroom baby ready for a newborn, instead of having them in another room.

The truth is for the first few months of bringing your baby home you are going to be getting up so often for feedings and diaper changes that it just doesn’t make sense to have them so far away. Which is why we are going to go through our top tips for getting your master bedroom baby ready.

how to get your bedroom baby ready

Tips For Getting Your Bedroom Baby Ready:

Most advice on getting ready for a new baby focuses on preparing your nursery. It is fun to have a space dedicated to your new little one. However, it is far more common, and practical, to have your baby in the same bedroom as you the first 4 to 6 months.

This allows not only for you to sleep better, but also your little one. Having you nearby can help them feel safe and calm. As well as allow any of your anxieties to ease by having them close as well. Below are some of our favorite tips and products to get the master bedroom ready to have a little one share it with you in those first few months.

Bedside Bassinet:

baby bassinet ideal for being bedside While bed sharing is typically frowned upon, having your baby close by for easy access is highly recommended. Which is why we suggest looking into getting a bedside bassinet. Or a bassinet that can easily fit in your bedroom and be moved easily when needed.

Think of the benefits of the bassinets used at the hospital. Their height and mobility make it easy and simple to take care of your little one throughout the night.

While cribs are often beautiful pieces of furniture, they are large and made to stay in one place. It is wonderful to have one for the nursery later. However, a bedside bassinet is going to be much more useful, especially for the first few months to year.

We love one the RONBEI Bedside Sleeper. It allows you to have lots of customization. It is height adjustable for an exact fit. It also has a safe and comfortable surface for your baby. And it easily zips down for quick access.

Learn more and get the latest pricing on the RONBEI Bedside Bassinet HERE!

Weighted Blanket:

Now this accessory is for mom or dad, not for baby. Whenever your sleep is getting disrupted so frequently, getting back to sleep as quickly as possible is vital for getting enough rest.

Which is why we suggest investing in a comfortable weighted blanket. It is great for stress and anxiety as well as easing you back to sleep quickly.

So you can get the rest you need in order to continue waking up and caring for your bundle of joy.

Head over to our post Weighted Blanket Benefits to learn more about how a weighted blanket works.

Blackout Curtains:

how to get your bedroom ready for a baby You and your little one are going to be sleeping at odd hours of the day. Being able to block out any harsh sunlight is going to make midday naps much easier.

If you have been up all night long and you can’t seem to get to sleep midday, these blackout curtains are going to be your very best friends.

In the summer, these are also rather helpful for keeping your room a cool and comfortable sleeping temperature, as the sun won’t be blasting through your windows. There are now great blackout curtains that can be purchased just about anywhere.

WD-40 Your Door Hinges:

prep your bedroom for a baby This is a rather specific suggestion that won’t be necessary for everyone. But, do a squeak check on your bedroom and bathroom doors, anywhere close enough to be heard from where your baby will be sleeping. If there is little to no squeak, then you will obviously be fine and you can skip this step.

However, if there is extra creaks you can avoide putting WD-40 or graphite on door hinges that have serious squeak issues will help make these doors open and close quietly. So you can go to get a bottle or use the restroom without fear that your squeaky door will wake everyone in the house up.

Adjustable Bedside Lights:

tips for getting a bedroom baby ready For those late night feedings, you’re going to need a bit of light in order to see what you’re doing. However, the lower the amount of light the better. Bedside lights that have adjustable low light settings are very helpful for getting just enough light in order to see without blinding yourself or jolting yourself and your partner awake.

Personally we recommend the Philips Hue Go Light or Casper Glow Light. These two options are perfect for easy to use, adjustable low light setting. The Philips Hue can even be controlled on your phone to change colors so your light is completely adjustable.

Click HERE to shop for the Philips Hue Go Lights on

Casper Accessories Found HERE!

Easy Access Storage:

tips for getting your home baby ready Try to keep some of the essentials on hand and ready to go. Diapers, wipes, clean clothes, diaper disposal, burp rags, anything you want to have on hand is good to keep close by. Which is why having some nice storage near by is so helpful.

If you are purchasing something like a dresser with drawers, we highly suggest trying to open these drawers with one hand before your buy. This will make your life much easier while your trying to get something while holding the baby.

Comfortable Rocking Chair:

should i let my baby sleep in my room or a nursery? Every baby bedroom needs a cozy place for rocking to sleep. Now there are cushy comfortable reclining rocking chairs that are not only comfortable for the baby but for you as well.

If you don’t have an abundance of room in your bedroom, there are smaller rocking chairs or gliders around. Or you can keep this piece in your living area.

Having multiple seating options is definitely a benefit in finding the best fit for every activity for you and your baby.

Freshen Up Batteries On Smoke Detectors:

safety tips for baby bedroom This is another tip for avoiding unexpected sleep disruptions. Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are loud and obnoxious whenever they need a battery change. Of course this is for good reason, your safety and the safety of your baby.

However, waking up to the loud beeps of a fire detector needing a battery change is obnoxious and stressful. Not only does changing your batteries ensure that this won’t happen for quite some time. It is also a great safety check to ensure all of your safety features in your home are working properly and ready to keep you and your family safe.

Changing Station & Pad:

costzon portable baby changing table As you will quickly learn, you can lay your little one down on a pad just about anywhere in order to change the diaper. However changing stations can be very helpful. Especially to save your back but also when you are recovering in those early weeks and bending over may be more difficult.

We highly doubt you will move your nursery changing station into your bedroom, but there are some great portable options. These help elevate the changing surface without taking up a ton of space. Most easily fold up too.

We love the option by Costzon. It not only is easy to fold but also easy to clean. With a waterproof barrier that keeps the changing area sanitary. To top it off it also offers the perfect amount of storage space to keep changing necessities at hand.

Find the ideal Costzon Portable Changing Table HERE!

Deep Clean Your Room:

clean your bedroom ready before the baby comes Before you bring your baby home, it is nice to do a good deep clean to your home and bedroom. If you have older carper or rug in your bedroom, it is nice to have it deep cleaned as this will be where your baby will lay, play, and learn to crawl.

We also suggest cleaning off all of your highly used or even forgotten surfaces. Use this time to clean and sanitize objects and surfaces that you use often. Like bedside tables remote controls, anything that you touch often.

It is also a great time to clean places low down that collect dust like window sills or the bottom of your nightstand.

Secure Furniture to The Wall:

prepping your bedroom before the baby comes As furniture has become lighter for shipping and lower prices, it has also become easier to tip over. This is a major safety issue, especially once your baby becomes more mobile and begins to pull on items in order to stand.

There are many nightmare stories out there even for shorter pieces of furniture. A good rule of them if you are not sure whether or not you should secure a piece of furniture with a safety harness to the wall is…

If it would hurt your child if it fell on them, then secure it to the wall.

Check Up On The Latest & Greatest Safety Advice:

update your bedroom to be a nursery Safety tips and requirements are constantly updating. Which is why it is important to check with the Consumer Product Safety Commission. This commission helps you stay on top of the latest information on safety recalls and more.

Allowing you to stay well informed before purchasing or using products or furniture that is unsafe. As much as we like to help with sleep tips, we are not the experts on safety so be sure to check with CPSC to get your latest information.

How To Get Your Master Bedroom Baby Ready

Getting your master bedroom all ready for bringing your baby home is a wonderful and exciting part of nesting. Being able to comfortably and safely take care of your babies needs from the comfort of your own bedroom is very beneficial especially for the first few months of their lives.

We hope our tips help you to get your room ready for when you bring your baby home. We also hope these tips make adjusting to your new schedule just that little bit easier.

skip a nursery and prep your bedroom for a baby

New Parents! Head over to our post Sleep Tips For New Parents to get our top tips on getting sleep with a new baby.

*When it comes to babies you can never be too safe. While we have several recommendations for items, we are not responsible for any of the items we suggest. If you have questions concerning safety or use we always suggest talking to your doctor for their input.