
Best Sleep Guides

November 18, 2021

Tips for Sleeping on a Plane

Let’s face it, traveling is exhausting. From waking up early to catch a flight, delays, taxis, long lines, to flight changes. Everything about traveling seems to be a bit stressful and very tiring. Which is why we recommend getting sleep during your travels. This way you get a top up on energy and you are […]

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November 10, 2021

Don’t Let Holiday Stress Ruin Your Sleep

The holiday season can be a beautiful time of year. It can also be incredibly stressful. Whether you are experiencing drama with family, stress with shopping, overwhelmed with cooking, traveling across the country or dealing with all of the above. The holidays can really turn up the stress and anxiety. Anytime stress enters our lives, […]

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November 4, 2021

Acupuncture For Sleep

If you were to go around and ask your friends and family about what they think of acupuncture, you would likely receive a lot of mixed reviews. This is because it can be a rather polarizing subject. While some believe it is purely a placebo effect. Others absolutely swear by acupuncture and believe it can […]

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November 4, 2021

The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation

Why do we sleep? It is a common question that many of us have asked ourselves. Our bodies need sleep in order to perform a number of important processes. These processes require sleep in order to keep our mind and body working properly. Which is why when we are running on less sleep than we […]

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October 2, 2021

Why Does Tryptophan Make You Sleepy?

Many of us have experienced the post-Thanksgiving dinner naps. When I was growing up, I was told this was due to something you can find in turkey called tryptophan. Leading me to believe that turkey and any other foods containing tryptophan would put you right to sleep. Fast forward to adulthood and we wanted to […]

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September 28, 2021

8 Distractions From Sleep

Most of us have heard it before, that having a nightly routine and a set bedtime can help us get to sleep easier and wake up easier. However, many times life seems to get in the way of having such a regular sleep schedule. Which is why we are going to go over the 8 […]

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September 23, 2021

Columbus Day 2021: Mattress Coupons, Discounts & Sales

Columbus Day may or may not be on your radar. If you work for a bank or have school aged kids than you probably notice it. But being one of the lesser known “holidays” you may not even think much of it. Regardless, the furniture and mattress industry certainly use this beautiful fall day to […]

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September 23, 2021

Why Does The Sun Make You Tired?

We have all felt these effects before. You are having a nice relaxed day out in the sun, yet when you get home you feel absolutely exhausted. Something about a day out in the sun can really take it out of you. Even if you were not doing much to make you feel so tired. […]

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August 6, 2021

10 Signs It’s Time For A New Pillow

It can take a while to find the right pillow, and once you do you want to hold onto it. That pillow that works perfectly for how you sleep, offers the ideal amount of support is something you want to use every night for years on end. However, like all good things, eventually our time […]

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July 27, 2021

Top 10 Eli & Elm Bedding Accessories

Named after Eli Whitney who invented the cotton gin in 1793 and his hometown of Elm City, the Eli & Elm brand is all about quality bedding materials. Naturally, many of their products feature organic cotton, among many other more modern materials. All of which are the top of the line when it comes to […]

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July 1, 2021

Cancer & Sleep Deprivation

Staying healthy is a goal for all of us. Cancer is a word dreaded by many. Which is why it is important to do everything we can to stay healthy and keep cancer out of the picture. It turns out that having a healthy and consistent sleep schedule could help you keep cancer at bay. […]

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July 1, 2021

Amazing Sleep Benefits Of Sound Baths

The benefits of meditation and yoga for your sleep are all well known. Meditation before bed can be a great way to let go of the mental tension built up during the day so you can relax before you head off to sleep. While yoga can help to release strain and stress in the body […]

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