
Best Sleep Guides

April 16, 2019

Parasomnia – A Guide To Unusual Sleep Habits

Some years ago, a friend of mine, a wonderful guy, seemingly tried to strangle his much beloved wife. They were both sound asleep when he wrapped his hands around her neck. She of woke up immediately and wasn’t a sufficiently good sport to allow the event to continue. Her screech woke him up. Once awake, […]

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April 5, 2019

The Art of Napping: The Benefits of Naps

Naps are good for us in almost every aspect of our lives. We make better decisions; we’re healthier, happier – and maybe even thinner. With so many benefits of naps its a mystery why we don’t take more. Oh, I know why – because most of us have careers, families and obligations that keep our […]

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March 29, 2019

Baby Sleep Regression

You love your baby. You also love sleep; or even if you don’t, you need sleep. As cute, and cuddly, and tiny as they may be, caring for a baby can be tiring work. Then to finish the day with a sleepless night? Some might consider that a nightmare. We get it, it happened, you […]

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March 27, 2019

The Art of Napping: How To Nap In 4 Easy Steps

Napping seems like such a simple concept. However, the art of napping is threaded into our history. Believed by some to be superior to a full night of sleep. By others, it appeared to be the art of the lazy – with sleep in general not being far behind. Whether these figures in history believed […]

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March 23, 2019

Your Lost Talent – Falling Asleep

You were new to the world, but your skill put adults to shame. You practiced it several times a day as you logged your 10 to 12 hours of good sleep. It often took you less than a minute to slide out of consciousness and into perfect slumber. That’s why we call it “sleeping like […]

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March 23, 2019

Sleep Talking

Dangerous? Meaningful? Indiscreet? The answer to all three questions is, not usually. But if you stayed awake in ninth grade English, you’re familiar with the most famously indiscreet sleep talking lines of all time: “Out damned spot! Out I say!”  Thwords Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth as she acted out her guilt and tried to sleep wash […]

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March 13, 2019

Best Tea For Sleep – Top 8 Bedtime Teas

Your best night’s sleep could be the difference between drinking tea, and not drinking it. Tea is the most common beverage after water, so if you’re not drinking it on a daily basis already like most Americans, you should start. It is highly sought after for its alertness effects as coffee, but with less caffeine. […]

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March 12, 2019

Biphasic Sleep: Naturally Preferred

Did you know that sleeping in one consecutive chunk of time isn’t naturally how we operate. Even now days, if left with nothing but the natural sunlight we would fall back into a state of biphasic sleeping. So why have we evolved into a less natural monophasic sleeping pattern? I’ll tell you – that darn […]

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March 12, 2019

History of Sleep

Sleep is a natural part of being. Making the history of sleep seemingly slip our minds. But, taking a look back in time may help us understand how certain things came to be. And maybe even give us some insight into the future of sleep too. History of Sleep in The Stone Age Good sleep […]

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February 26, 2019

Best Sleep Apps

If you could make your sleep smarter with the best sleep apps, would you sleep better? So many Americans suffer from sleep disorders, insomnia, and sleep routines that just aren’t doing the job. We rely on technology to do everything; we schedule our meetings, track our calories, and even count our steps. So why not […]

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February 5, 2019

Our Guide To Fall Asleep Fast

All you want to do at night is easily fall asleep so that you can be rested for the day to come. As many people have found out though, falling asleep can be hard to do. If you’re tired of being sleep-deprived during the day then you will want to check out these proven sleep […]

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February 5, 2019

The Negative Impacts Of Too Much Sleep

Are you getting the right amount of sleep? With our busy lives, we often worry about not getting enough sleep. However, it turns out that too much sleep can be just as bad for your health and energy level as getting too little. While sleeping in may seem like a luxury, it can be damaging […]

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