Brooklyn Bedding Signature Adjustable Base - Our Sleep Guide

Accessory Review Brooklyn Bedding Signature Adjustable Base

brooklyn bedding adjustable base review

Brooklyn Bedding is well known for their quality American made and manufactured mattresses. They use their own factories which allows them to keep a close eye on quality. Brooklyn Bedding now has two different adjustable bases for you to choose from. The base we will be looking at today is the Signature Adjustable Base. This base is going to be the more simple option with less features and a lower price tag. Keep reading to get all of the details and hear what we love about the Brooklyn Bedding Signature Adjustable Base.

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Brooklyn Bedding Signature Adjustable Base – Features:

  • Head & Foot of Bed Adjustability
  • Wired Remote Control
  • Fits inside of Most Slatless Decorative Bed Frames
  • Supports Up To 650lbs


construction and build of the brooklyn bedding signature adjustable frameThe Brooklyn Bedding Signature Adjustable Base has a simple design. While many adjustable bases these days come with all sorts of bells and whistles, this base does one thing well. It adjusts your sleeping position. The simple design is sleek and can fit inside most slatless decorative bed frames. Which is great for those looking to adjust their sleeping position without having to settle for the look of an adjustable base.

The base has a 10″ clearance under the bed coming up to 12″ high while laying flat. This frame works with all of the mattresses made by Brooklyn Bedding. If you have a different mattress that you are wanting to use with the Signature Adjustable Base, we suggest contacting the manufacturer of your mattress in order to confirm it will work properly in an adjustable frame.

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Ease of Use:

The initial set up for this base may be a bit cumbersome. However, once you get it fully set up in your room, it is a simple device to use. There is a wired remote with a few buttons to adjust the head and foot of the bed.

reviews adjustable base brooklyn bedding

While many companies have moved on to wireless remote controls, we find that having a wire makes it much easier to find during the middle of the night and practically impossible to loose all together. While wireless remotes have a way of getting lost rather easily.

Since this adjustable base by Brooklyn Bedding is so simple, it does make it rather straight forward to use, without having dozens of buttons or features to figure out and mess with.

Adjustable Base by Brooklyn Bedding – Value:

adjustable base by brooklyn beddingWhile many adjustable bases these days come with all sorts of bells and whistles along with a hefty price tag, the Signature Adjustable Base by Brooklyn Bedding is different. They created a simple design that adjusts the head and foot of the bed  while providing plenty of support at an attainable price range.

  • Twin XL: $499
  • Queen: $599
  • Split King: $998

These prices include free shipping from FedEx and a 3-Year Warranty. These prices do not show discounts or recent coupons! So click the button below to get our latest discounts.

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Brooklyn Bedding Mattress Compatibility:

brooklyn bedding aurora mattressSome mattresses are not made to bend or flex the way an adjustable base needs them to. It is important when you are purchasing an adjustable base, to be sure that your mattress is compatible. If you already have a mattress, be sure to check with the manufacturer first before putting it on an adjustable base.

If you do not already have a mattress, then we have great news. All of the mattresses that Brooklyn Bedding makes can be used with their adjustable base. Click any of the links below to read our full review of any of the Brooklyn Bedding mattresses in order to pick the one that is right for you. Or check them all out at once our Brooklyn Bedding Mattresses Review.

Signature Mattress ReviewAurora Mattress Review| Spartan Mattress Review |Bloom Mattress Review 

Brooklyn Bedding Signature Adjustable Base – Overall:

This is a great adjustable base for anyone looking to keep it simple and save a few bucks. If you are looking to adjust your sleeping position without spending a fortune, then you will love the Brooklyn Bedding Signature Adjustable Base. If you are looking for all the latest features, bells, and whistles, then we suggest checking out some of the other adjustable bases we have reviewed. However, the Signature Adjustable Base by Brooklyn Bedding is one of the most affordable adjustable bases we have come across.

the brooklyn bedding signature adjustable bed frame

Looking for something a bit more luxury? Check out some of our other reviews at Frames and Adjustable Base Reviews to view more reviews.

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